
This page describes the retdec-python scripts and their usage.

Currently, there are two scripts: decompiler and fileinfo. They provide access to the decompilation and file-analyzing services, respectively.


The scripts need to authenticate you to To specify your API key, either use the -k KEY or --api-key KEY parameter:

$ decompiler -k YOUR-API-KEY file.exe

or set the RETDEC_API_KEY environment variable:

$ decompiler file.exe

An advantage of the environment variable is that you do not have to specify the API key every time you run a script.


The decompiler script provides access to the decompilation service. It allows you to decompile binary files into a high-level language representation, such as C.


$ decompiler [OPTIONS] FILE

Output files are stored into the same directory where the input file is located. For example, if the input file is dir/prog.exe, then the decompiled code in the C language is saved as dir/prog.c. You can override the output directory by using the -o/--output-dir parameter.


See the official documentation for more details.

  • -a ARCH, --architecture ARCH – Architecture to force when (de)compiling. Supported architectures: x86, arm, thumb, mips, pic32, powerpc.
  • -b, --brief – Print fewer information during the decompilation.
  • -c COMPILER, --compiler COMPILER – Compiler to use when compiling input C source files. Supported compilers: gcc, clang.
  • -C LEVEL, --compiler-optimizations LEVEL – Optimization level to use when compiling input C source files. Supported levels: O0, O1, O2, O3.
  • --endian – Endianness of the machine code (bin and raw modes only). Supported endians: little, big.
  • -f FORMAT, --file-format FORMAT – File format to force when compiling input C source files. Supported formats: elf, pe.
  • -g, --compiler-debug – Compile the input C file with debugging information (i.e. passes the -g flag to the used compiler).
  • -s, --compiler-strip – Strip the compiled C file prior its decompilation.
  • -k KEY, --api-key KEY – Specifies the API key to be used.
  • -l LANGUAGE, --target-language LANGUAGE – Target high-level language. Supported languages: c, py.
  • --graph-format FORMAT – Format of the generated call and control-flow graphs. Supported formats: png, svg, pdf.
  • -m MODE, --mode MODE – Decompilation mode. Supported modes: bin, c, and raw. By default, the script performs an automatic detection based on the extension of the input file.
  • -o DIR, --output-dir DIR – Save the outputs into this directory.
  • -p FILE, --pdb-file – PDB file associated with the input file.
  • -q, --quiet – Print only errors, nothing else (not even progress).
  • -V, --version – Print the script and library version.
  • --var-names STYLE – Naming style for variables. Supported styles: readable, address, hungarian, simple, and unified.
  • -O LEVEL, --optimizations LEVEL – Level of optimizations performed by the decompiler. Supported levels: none, limited, normal, and aggressive.
  • -K, --keep-unreach-funcs – Decompile all functions, even if they are not reachable.
  • --only-funcs – Decompile only the given functions (a comma-separated list of function names, e.g. func1,func2).
  • --only-ranges' – Decompile only the given address ranges (a comma-separated list of address ranges, e.g. 0x100-0x200,0x500-0x600).
  • --decoding – What should be decoded in a selective decompilation? Supported types: everything, only.
  • --no-addresses – Disable the emission of addresses in comments in the generated code.
  • --raw-entry-point – Virtual memory address where execution flow should start in the machine code (raw mode only).
  • --raw-section-vma – Address where the section created from the machine code will be placed in virtual memory (raw mode only).
  • --ar-index – Index of the object file in the input archive to be decompiled when decompiling an archive.
  • --ar-name – Name of the object file in the input archive to be decompiled when decompiling an archive.
  • --with-cg – Generate a call graph when the decompilation ends.
  • --with-cfgs – Generate call graphs for all functions when the decompilation ends.
  • --with-archive – Generate an archive containing all decompilation outputs when the decompilation ends.


$ decompiler -k YOUR-API-KEY file.exe


Waiting for resources (0%)...                      [OK]
    Obtaining file information (5%)...             [OK]
    Unpacking (10%)...                             [OK]
    Initializing (20%)...                          [OK]
Done (100%)...

 - file.c

file.c then contains the decompiled C code.


The fileinfo script provides access to the file-analyzing service. It allows you to obtain information about binary files.


$ fileinfo [OPTIONS] FILE


  • -k KEY, --api-key KEY – Specifies the API key to be used.
  • -f FORMAT, --output-format – Format in which the output should be printed. Available formats are plain (plain text; the default) and json (JSON).
  • -v, --verbose – Print all available information about the file.
  • -V, --version – Print the script and library version.


$ fileinfo -k YOUR-API-KEY file.exe

Input file               : file.exe
File format              : PE
File class               : 32-bit
File type                : Executable file
Architecture             : x86 (or later and compatible)
Endianness               : Little endian
Entry point address      : 0x4014e0
Entry point offset       : 0x8e0
Entry point section name : .text
Entry point section index: 0
Bytes on entry point     : 31ed5e89e183e4f05054526860c1040868f0c00408515668
Detected compiler/packer : GCC (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) (4.7.2) (100%)